Magazin-Feature: Destination Südafrika
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There is an elephant at the door, 1998
There is an elephant at the door. It was Ellen's idea. And Brigettes arrangements. Aided by E-mail, it culminated with an elephant at the door. I had better start at the beginning. We, my wife Bev and myself, hadn't the slightest idea of going to Africa. Let alone on...
Dem Himmel so nah
Dem Himmel so nah Juliane Beckmann empfängt uns herzlich in ihrem Haus in Pretoria, führt uns auf die Terrasse, verschwindet noch einmal in die Küche. Unsere Blicke wandern durch ihren kleinen Garten, in dem Blumen und Palmen vor einer mit Stacheldraht besetzten Mauer...
Juliane Beckmann Honored for Excellence Wildlife and Recreation
Juliane Beckmann Honored for Excellence Wildlife and Recreationvia Juliane Beckmann Honored for Excellence Wildlife and Recreation. "Ms. Beckmann worked on a major project to revitalize the wildlife of Kissama National Park in Angola" WATERKLOOF, SOUTH AFRICA, March...
Bees at Vumbura!
Bees at Vumbura! After twenty-five years of bush flying, I might be forgiven for thinking I had covered most angles. The aircraft, ZS-MMD, is parked in a veritable kraal of thorns to ward off hyaenas, engine air intakes are plugged against excessive dust, even the...
Funny Safari Dave Barry is a local humorist
Funny Safari Dave Barry is a local humorist Here's how I pictured my African safari: I'd sit inside a sturdy, enclosed, animal-proof vehicle, and I'd be driven around to picturesque places to observe exotic creatures participating in the Circle of Life by eating each...
Mombo 2010: Near capsize
Das Mombo Camp ist nun mal einzigartig. Wir hatten aber auch ein Abenteuer, dass meinen Gaesten immer noch in den Knochen steckt. Sergio, einer der Kunden, hat, ungelogen, eine Stunde danach noch echt gezittert, vor uns allen demonstriert. Wir waren bei ausgedehnter...
Selinda March 09, Airfield us (English)
Selinda March 09, Airfield us (English) When I learnt that 2 of my 4 passengers were very tall men, I asked Izzy to pilot the Cessna 402 rather than me trying to squeeze them into the Seneca. Besides, it’s great fun to do a safari with Izzy. We landed happily at...
Selinda March 09, Airfield us (German)
Selinda March 09, Airfield us (German) Nachdem ich erfuhr, dass zwei der Passagiere baumlange Herren sind, habe ich meine vielgeliebte Seneca gegen eine Cessna 402 und Mit-Pilot Izzy Mok eingetauscht. Wie wollte ich daher ‘relaxen’ und diese Reise besonders...
Selinda, Okavango Delta / Botswana
Selinda, Okavango Delta / Botswana At first I was a little concerned – Carol and family arrived in South Africa just when the worst cold front in living history had us in its grip. Its tentacles reached as far as our first camp, Mashatu. We had chosen Mashatu, Tuli...
Bumi, Kariba report 2000
Bumi, Kariba report 2000 We had a good flight and a thoroughly delightful game drive on our first afternoon at Bumi. We didn’t drive for 3 minutes without seeing something pose, move, browse, fly, swim, feed, scurry or just laze about. Elephants wherever we looked,...
Wild dog at Lagoon, lousy fellow guests
Wild dog at Lagoon, lousy fellow guests Dies schreibend in Little Vumbura, am 7. Tag der Reise mit Mehrfachtaeter Werner und Neulings-Freunden. Angefangen in Kings Pool, weil's beim letzten Mal so schoen war, vor allem der Tagesausflug zum Channel mit Picknick im Hide...
June 2000 Okavango Delta / Botswana
June 2000 Okavango Delta / Botswana What one DOES have to do is to consider the incredibly different situation due to this year's rains. We are presently at Xakanaxa in the Moremi Game Reserve (Okavango Delta / Botswana). The Park here has been closed to self-drive...
Surprise Bush Dinner (English)
Surprise Bush Dinner (English) The term ‘surprise bush dinner’ has just taken on a new meaning, especially as regards the regional interpretation at Zibalianja! Firstly, the emphasis is decidedly on surprise, secondly it does not refer only to the astonished faces of...
Surprise Bush Dinner (German)
Surprise Bush Dinner (German) Zeichnen kann ich ja bekanntlich nicht, daher also schriftlich: Auch Karl-Heinz, George und Brigitte, bei all ihrer Busch-Erfahrung, lernen immer wieder dazu. So, zum Beispiel, die genauere Bedeutung des Begriffs ‘Surprise Bush Dinner’,...
Miami midnight hotel experience
Miami midnight hotel experience Right now I’m having early morning tea at the Victoria Falls Safari Lodge, overlooking the lushest Africa imaginable. Greens of every hue, broad-leaved grasses, trees forming an elevated carpet as far as the eye will see. Africa is...
News from the bush – Botswana and Zimbabwe
News from the bush – Botswana and Zimbabwe Now, let’s see what I can tell you about Africa: Ah, yes, Selinda, Okavango Delta / Botswan. When Izzy arrived there a few months ago he found Alan, the manager and guide – remember him? – with his arm in plaster. It seems...
Chikwenya bush dinner with lions nearby unbeknown to us
Chikwenya bush dinner with lions nearby unbeknown to us BRIGITTE CROSS Chikwenya – Mana Pools / Zimbabwe , 21.07.97 Ich sitze zur Zeit in Chikwenya in einer der Huetten, wie sie auf der Rueckseite meiner Broschuere abgebildet ist. Blick auf Zambezi mit Nilpferden,...
The New York Times: Travel
The New York Times: Travel My son, Tom, going on 4, knows nothing of Nintendo yet, but he can tell a wildebeest from a buffalo, and knows to look for a climbable tree when one of the latter glowers at you from the brush. He can take or leave Legos, but he was in a...